Access technology

Access systems for the cleaning and servicing of glass roofs, domes and facades. The lightweight constructions guarantee an optimal adaptation to the most modern architecture.

The technical access systems are made in the company's own workshop and assembled on site by our own qualified personnel.

Roof access systems

Access systems for cleaning glass roofs or for servicing emergency windows. Electrically or manually moveable on rail systems, and custom-made to the individual conditions and requirements.

Facade access systems

Not only safe ergonomic and easily accessible workplaces are required for the execution of cleaning, service and maintenance work, but they must also enable optimum working methods. Käufer facade access systems can be manually or electrically traversed and are adaptable to the local on-site conditions.

Monorail systems

Facade lifts for cleaning and servicing facades are vertically moveable via electrical cable winches. The cables are attached to a special carriage which is mounted on a monorail system (rails in front of the facade) or on a rail system. The carriages can be traversed electrically or manually.

Special constructions

Special constructions are systems which require a completely new and individual concept due to the specific local on-site conditions. This also includes shaft, boiler and container access systems.



Business partners


Cento Engineering CO LTD

6 Baddow Park
Great Baddow

Phone: +44 (0) 7941 967630

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Weico - Mechanics, Construction, Bridge

Gewerbezone Ziggler 4
I-39040 Feldthurns (BZ)

Phone: (+39) 0472 857 035
Fax: (+39) 0472 857 830

go to website


Standard ACCESS Pty Ltd

12 Horne St
Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029 (Melbourne)

Phone: +61 3 9931 0778
Fax: +61 3 9931 0776

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